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Office for National Statistics - SDG Accreditation

Digital Accessibility Centre Certificate of Accreditation

Accreditation Certificate Number:

Office for National Statistics - SDG /02


Office for National Statistics - SDG


Desktop site

Certificate issue date:

Certificate expiry date:

Certificate status:


Desktop and Mobile


To achieve certification each undergoes a manual technical compliance review against WCAG 2.1 to level AA.

The underwent both a technical compliance audit and robust end to end testing by users with a wide range of disabilities including blind, low vision, dyslexia, colour blindness, mobility impairments, learning difficulties, Deaf, Asperger and anxiety and panic disorder.

All testing is carried out in line with relevant platform specific guidelines, and where applicable, conforms with The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018. Testing also conforms to Section 508 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

List of issues

  • No known issues.


Journey 1 – Homepage

Home page:

  1. Homepage – Test Page
  2. Home page – Test footer

Journey 2 – Goals

Goals page:

  1. Goals - Using the top-level navigation menu go to the ‘Goals’ page
  2. Goals - Read the line of text at the top of the page.
  3. Goals - Click on some of the goal tiles and each time click back to the Goals page

Journey 3 – Indicator has series, units, and toggles

15-2-1 -

  1. 15-2-1 - Under the ‘Series’ heading on the left, select ‘5) Woodland area under certification scheme’
  2. 15-2-1 - Under the ‘Units of measurement’ heading on the left, select ‘Growth rate’
  3. 15-2-1 - Under the country category select ‘England’
  4. 15-2-1 - Read the value for England for 2020 off the chart (24.7)
  5. 15-2-1 - Change the Series to ‘1) Woodland area net change’
  6. 15-2-1 - Change the Unit of Measurement to ‘Growth rate (%)’
  7. 15-2-1 - Navigate down to the National Metadata tab
  8. 15-2-1 - Under the ‘Other information’ sub-heading, read through the various headings and content

Journey 4 – Disaggregation Report

Disaggregation report: 

  1. Disaggregation’s - In the ‘By disaggregation’ section use the sorting arrows next to the ‘Number of indicators’ heading to sort into descending order
  2. By Disaggregation - Select the Sex disaggregation
  3. Disaggregation Sex - Go back to the main Disaggregation report screen
  4. By Disaggregation - Use the button to ‘Download CSV of disaggregation’s’
  5. By Disaggregation - Under ‘On this page’ select ‘By indicator’
  6. By Indicator - Move down to find indicator 3.5.1
  7. By Indicator - Click on Deprivation decile

Journey 5 – Archived Indicators

Archived Indicators:

  1. Archived Indicators - Navigate down through the indicators looking at the icons on the right of the page, showing if the indicators are ‘Reported online’ or ‘Exploring data sources’
  2. Archived Indicators - Navigate to link for Indicator 2.5.2 and click-through link
  3. 2-5-2- Archived - Read through the information at the top of the page including the warning message

Journey 6 – Publications


  1. Publications - Read through all the information and click into the various hyperlinks (just test hyperlinks not pages)
  2. Publications - Test the email mail to link at the top of the page (no need to send an email)
  3. Publications -Navigate to the bottom of the page and then use the ‘back to top’ link

Journey 7 – FAQ


  1. FAQ - Use the table of contents to navigate to some of the FAQ entries
  2. FAQ - Read through all the information and click into the various hyperlinks (Just test hyperlinks not pages)
  3. FAQ - Navigate to the bottom of the page and then use the ‘back to top’ link

Journey 8 – User Personas

User personas page:

  1. User Personas - Read through the information, including information in the image outlining the four main personas.
  2. User Personas - Use the table of contents to navigate to parts of the page
  3. User Personas - Navigate to the bottom of the page and then use the ‘back to top’ link

Journey 9 – Updates

Update’s page:

  1. Updates – Click ‘Digital Accessibility Testing’
  2. Accessibility - Return to the Updates page
  3. Updates - Click into the link for the ‘2020 Indicator changes’
  4. Indicator Changes - Read through the content at the top of the page
  5. Indicator Changes - Use the table of contents to navigate to information for Goal 17
  6. Indicator Changes Goal #17 - Read through the information in the Goal 17 table

Journey 10 – Contact Us

Contact us:

  1. Contact Us - Read through all the information

Journey 11 – Accessibility Statement

Accessibility statement:

  1. Accessibility Statement – Test Page

Journey 12 – Search Function

Home page:

  1. Homepage - Click on the search icon, top right of the page
  2. Search - Search for Accessibility, Smoking and Wales
  3. Search - Click Accessibility Statement

Journey 13 – Indicator with disaggregation’s


  1. Poverty - Navigate down through the indicators looking at the icons on the right of the page, showing if the indicators are ‘Reported online’ or ‘Exploring data sources’
  2. Poverty Navigate to link for Indicator 1.2.1 and click-through link
  3. Indicator 1-2-1 - Using the chart, read the UK data point for the UK for 2017
  4. Indicator 1-2-1 - To the left of the chart, you will see various Sub-categories.
    Under the Sex category select ‘Female’
    Under the Age category select ’16 to 24’
  5. Indicator 1-2-1 - Below the chart area are three download buttons. Click ‘Download Source CSV’
  6. Indicator 1-2-1 - Add more Sub-categories:
    Underage click the ‘Select all’ option
    Read the message that says you have tried to select too many options
  7. Indicator 1-2-1 - Deselect the age categories ‘65 to 74’ and ‘75 and over’
  8. Indicator 1-2-1 - Using the chart, read the percentage figure for ‘Female’ and ‘16 to 24, Female’ for 2017
  9. Indicator 1-2-1 - Click on the ‘Table’ tab
  10. Indicator 1-2-1 - Use the table to read the percentage figure for ‘50 to 64, Female’ for 2018 (this is on the far right)
  11. Indicator 1-2-1 - Click on the ‘Download Table CSV’ button

Journey 14 – Indicator with disaggregation’s and map


  1. Goals - Navigate to link for Indicator 3.a.1 and click-through link
  2. Goals - Read the indicator title in the main banner above the chart
  3. Indicator 3-a-1 - Move down to view the headline data of indicator 3.a.1 in the chart. A single line should be visible.
  4. Indicator 3-a-1 - Hover over or select the final data point at the end of the line, to show ‘2018 – United Kingdom: 14.7’.
  5. Indicator 3-a-1 - Directly below the chart on the left, read the Source, Geographical Area and Unit of Measurement
  6. Indicator 3-a-1 - Below this are three Download buttons labelled Click ‘Download Chart Image’ and ‘Download Chart CSV’ in turn.
  7. Indicator 3-a-1 - To the left of the chart, you will see various Sub-categories.
    Select the ‘Country’ dropdown and click ‘England’.
    Next, select the ‘Region’ dropdown and click a few of the options.
    Click the dropdowns to minimise them.
  8. Indicator 3-a-1 - The sub-categories you selected will appear on the chart as new lines, with a corresponding coloured/patterned block in the key below the chart.
    Click each of these icons to remove categories from the chart. The deactivated ones will then be struck through. DAC note: this functionality was not present in testing.
  9. Indicator 3-a-1 - Hover over or select the final data point along the England line, to show ‘2018 – England: 14.4’.
  10. Indicator 3-a-1 - Above the chart, click the ‘Table’ tab to switch to table view.
  11. Indicator 3-a-1 - View the data in the table format. Click on one of the headings to sort the displayed data.
  12. Indicator 3-a-1 - From the list of subcategories on the left on the screen. select the ‘Sex’ dropdown and select ‘Male’.
  13. Indicator 3-a-1 - Locate the 2018 value for ‘England, Male’ (’16.4’).
    Note that you may have to scroll across to the right to access this value.
  14. Indicator 3-a-1 - Clear all selected sub-categories and reset the data by selecting ‘Clear selections’ button. Above the chart, click the ‘Map’ tab to switch to map view and the map will be displayed.
  15. Indicator 3-a-1 - Use the zooming options: Zoom in two levels by clicking the plus icon twice
  16. Indicator 3-a-1 - Zoom out one level by clicking the minus
  17. Indicator 3-a-1 - Zoom out entirely by clicking the home icon above the minus icon once
  18. Indicator 3-a-1 - Use full screen toggle:
  19. Indicator 3-a-1 - Exit full screen by clicking the button below the zoom controls
  20. Indicator 3-a-1 - Download the Regional geojson file by clicking the ‘Download geoJSON – Regional’ button
  21. Indicator 3-a-1 - Search for the figure for ‘North East’ using the Search button
  22. Indicator 3-a-1 - On the bottom left of the map, there is a year slider with three buttons. Try each of the buttons in turn to change the year being displayed
  23. Indicator 3-a-1 - Navigate back to the Goal 3 page by clicking ‘Goal 3’ in the breadcrumb bar

Journey 15 – Longer catch all text indicator


  1. 3-4-2 - Move down to the information that starts just under the breadcrumb bar.
  2. 3-4-2 - Read through the bulleted key points and other information beneath it.
  3. 3-4-2 - Test all the hyperlinks in this section including the link to download the indicator data in an accessible format

Journey 16 – Bar Chart

5-1-1 -

  1. 5-1-1 - Under the Sub-categories area on the left, navigate to the ‘Area of law’ category
  2. 5-1-1 - Using the ‘Select all’ button, select all the categories
  3. 5-1-1 - Move to the chart area
  4. 5-1-1 - Hover over each of the vertical bars in the chart to read the percentage figure for each category

Journey 17 – Multiple sources in metadata

5-5-1 -

  1. 5-5-1 - Move down to the ‘National Metadata’ tab which is below the Chart/Table area
  2. 5-5-1 - Navigate down through all the various content, reading the information
  3. 5-5-1 - Click through to any hyperlinks.
  4. 5-5-1 - Navigate to the ‘Global Metadata’ tab.
  5. 5-5-1 - Navigate down through all the various content, reading the information
  6. 5-5-1 - Navigate to the ‘Sources’ tab.
  7. 5-5-1 - Navigate to the fourth source (Source 4)
  8. 5-5-1 - Read through the information
  9. 5-5-1 - Click through to the source using the hyperlink
  10. 5-5-1 - Navigate down to the last source listed (this should be Source 9)
  11. 5-5-1 - Read through the information

Journey 18 – Non-statistical indicator

  1. 13-3-1 - Read through the information in the section under ‘Relevant UK policies’

Journey 19 – Reporting Status

Reporting status:

  1. Reporting Status - Using the top-level navigation menu go to the ‘Reporting Status’ page
  2. Reporting Status - Read the line of text at the top of the page.
  3. Reporting Status - Under Overall Reporting Status, read the numbers and percentages for ‘Reported online and ‘Exploring data sources’
  4. Reporting Status - Navigate down to Goal 17 Partnerships for the Goals
  5. Reporting Status - Read the numbers and percentages for ‘Reported online and ‘Exploring data sources ‘for this goal.
  6. Reporting Status - Click on the ‘Disaggregation status’ tab
  7. Reporting Status - Under Overall Reporting Status, read through the figures for the 4 categories ‘Fully disaggregated’, ‘Partially disaggregated’, ’Not disaggregated’ and ‘Out of scope’

Journey 20 – About Page

About page:

  1. About – Test Page

Journey 21 – Standalone page

1-a-1 -

  1. 1-a-1 - Read the indented notice of change at the top of the page


This certificate was issued on the and represents the state of the pages audited on this date. Any further changes after the accreditation date are not covered by this certificate.

Additionally, any pages/areas of the website not listed the above scope of testing are also not covered by this certificate as we cannot guarantee their accessibility state.

We audit against the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines V2.1 level A and level AA to test how accessible the website is, using theWebsite Accessibility Conformance Evaluation Methodology (WCAG-EM) to evaluate conformance.